Recruiting, Advertising and Sponsoring at Up.front
Up.front is a monthly community event, and we regularly attract a crowd of up to 100 frontend designers and developers from Berlin.
If you want to bring your company in front of this amazingly friendly and talented Berlin audience, you can:
1. Buy a Sponsored Announcement
Up.front gives you the opportunity to give a brief presentation advertising relevant job openings or products your company has to offer.
1 minute announcement = EUR 150 minimum donation towards our venue host, the Co.up Community Space.
Please contact us beforehand with the details of your announcement and donation.
2. Give a Talk
You are invited to submit a talk to share useful knowledge with the Up.front audience – and as a side effect, present your company, team or product. However, we only accept talks that aim to excite the crowd with your valuable insights and experience. We don’t accept talks with the mere purpose to sell something.
For talk submission and more information find details here.
Keep in mind: these rules apply for every speaker at Up.front, and this is not a commercial pitch platform.
Are you a not-for-profit, Open Source, or other community-friendly, non-commercial project? We are happy to offer a 1 minute announcement slot for free to projects that share our values of knowledge-sharing, collaboration and inclusivity.
Please contact us via Twitter, or e-mail at least 3 days prior to the event.