Our last meetup for 2018 😱 Join us for three talks and get winter-proof for all things visual trends, secure API designs, and browsers. Also, attention companies: This is your last chance to secure a recruiting slot at Up.front before we and all the talent out there go into hibernation.
Francesco Bianchi Navigating Visual Trends
The visual design landscape is in constant motion. Every year new trends emerge shaping new visual aesthetics, UI animations, and navigation patterns. As designers we are unavoidably influenced by them –consciously or not – and often dragged into the discussion about whether to adopt or avoid them. Taking part in this discussion is not only a matter of creativity but implies a broader view that includes questions such as: what do these trends mean in terms of the user experience? How are they perceived outside the design community? And finally, what are the guiding principles while tackling and analyzing these trends?
Francesco Bianchi is a Visual-Interaction designer at Edenspiekermann Berlin, a global design and consulting firm driven by brand, content and technology. Previously, Francesco worked also at Leftloft (Milan) and Landor (Hamburg). He graduated in Politecnico di Milano and participated in the Data-Shack Program at Harvard University. His work explores and combines different fields, from user experience to graphic design, coding and data visualization.
Yulia Startsev RFC-Party #3552
This will be a lightning talk about RFC #3552 and will cover security recommendations for API designs. It will be very fast, covering the most important topics, just enough to get people feeling empowered to read it themselves.
Yulia is a developer tools developer at Firefox. She is also a representative at TC39 for Mozilla. She likes standards.
Julius Sohn & Julius Gehrig Refresh – A Fresh Approach to the Web Browser
There’s a new email client out there every other week. But there’s little to no new thought given to one of the most used apps out there: The browser. In this talk Julius and Julius walk us through how they approached their research and their process in designing and prototyping their bachelor thesis project Refresh.
Julius and Julius met in their first semester at the university of applied sciences Berlin. Since then they have worked together on countless uni projects including their joint thesis ‘Refresh’ published in 2018.