Up.front is a monthly meetup
for the web design community in Berlin.
RSVP #74 Tue, Apr 11

Boo! Hah, surprise! We’re doing a sneaky late-but-intense sort of announcement! Because it’s the fourth month of the year, we have four speakers for you! No, that’s not the reason, that would become unsustainable very quickly. Anyway, up.front tonight, tell all your friends, because we haven’t really gotten around to it this time. See you all at up.front 74 on Tuesday, April 11th. Here’s what we’ve got for you this time:

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    L Daniel Swakman Add to home screen: Designing & prototyping a native app in HTML

    In this talk, Daniel will talk about bridging the gap between web design/frontend and designing for native iOS/Android. He makes the case that designers need to come out of their Sketch cage, and start delivering stateful & dynamic (responsive) designs. This theme will be illustrated through the case study of designing the mobile app for SME-accounting startup Paraşüt fully through prototype-ready HTML, CSS and a Github repository.

    Daniel is a ‘full stack’ web & UI designer, passionate about creating meaningful and legible content experiences through design. He is originally from Amsterdam, previously in Istanbul, occasionally London and currently in Berlin. Europe basically. Daniel believes that designing delightful experiences for digital means an inevitable link between design and code.

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    Charlie Owen Tech & Morality

    You want to make your webapp robust in this dizzyingly diverse world of devices, connections and browsers, right? What if I told you that doing so might just make you a better person? Join me as I tell you about technology, morality, and how they intersect.

    Charlie came to Berlin to escape the horrors of London, and found herself at home in this beautifully weird city. She rides bikes, drinks beer, and quite often says the wrong thing at the wrong time. She works for Springer Nature, helping to make the world of scientific publishing a better place.

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    Caio Donini Communicating with purpose

    Everyone is a great communicator. You just need to find your voice. In this talk, Caio will share some insights about human relations, terrible Power Point slides and awkward feedback sessions. His goal is to unlock our potential as communicators - no matter what our background, skills or struggles are.

    Caio is passionate about 3 things: learning, entertaining and helping. Having experience in the non-profit and private sectors, he has been a speaker and facilitator in more than 50 events in the last 5 years. Today he is in charge of business development at hy.am studios, a digital design agency. In his free time he is playing around with some ideas - one of which potentially includes a guitar and some embarrassing moments in the streets of Berlin.

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    Michael Pieracci A little bit about Awareness

    Through my work career doing project management, I’ve realized how important it is to facilitate conversation between people and teams to understand context. In this talk I’ll share some observations from my recent role as product manager at teambay, as well as share some recommendations that you can think about in your own work.

    Michael Pieracci comes from San Jose, California, and has lived in Berlin since 2013. Currently he’s doing product and project management at a startup called teambay, where our product help employees provide feedback to their management. Outside of work he watches Star Trek, drinks very nice loose leaf teas, and takes care of his houseplants.