After a well deserved hibernation season, Up.front is finally back for a row of exciting meetups in 2017: Every 2nd Tuesday at Co.Up, the co.working space of our choice.
To set the bar for an amazing year to come, we’re very excited to announce our 72nd meetup with a great lineup of three speakers, willing to share with us what they know, how they came to wrap their head around it and maybe even what they haven’t figured out yet. Let’s listen, put our heads together and discuss frontend, game design and more.
Yoshua Wuyts Getting Started With Choo
"Performant" and "easy" are not mutually exclusive. In this talk Yosh will explain how to go from writing plain HTML and CSS to running a clean unidirectional JavaScript app. No heavy frontend skills are needed, just a bit of knowledge in HTML, CSS and JS.
Yosh is a creative engineer who loves all things computer, but loves hanging out even more. Current obsession is Rust and distributed systems, but he tends to do JS from time to time too.
Valentina Montagna Design principles for everyday life problems
If you have a friend who’s a designer, you’ve seen it in action: the 24-hours-365-days-a-year obsession designers have with how humans interact with the word. You’ve seen your friend creeping on you while you do the simplest action. You’ve seen that frown on their forehead, when they’re taking a mental note of what you’ve done; like that “explains E V E R Y T H I N G.” That’s because designers consider everything in their life and surrounding them a design problem, making design a filter to process reality. And you know what? Design principles can explain life, even to you.
Valentina is a full stack designer with more than ten years of experience in the field. With a solid background in typography and basic design, she worked for the last four years as an independent product designer, building websites and web apps from static mock-ups to their implementation. In 2015 she joined Bandcamp as UI/UX designer, where she can support the thing she loves the most, music, doing the thing she’s best at: design.
Allan Cudicio What the Heck is Game Design?
Most people have at least vague idea of what a UI or industrial designer do... but game designers? What the heck do they do? Even other designers struggle with this. In his talk Allan will explain what these designers do and how they are contributing to the current tech & media landscape.
Allan Cudicio is Game Designer at King. Previously involved in the business side of software development, he has now switched to full time design of mobile games.