Up.front is a monthly meetup
for the web design community in Berlin.
RSVP #71 Tue, Nov 08

Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes: Empathy is key in order to create great user experiences, but also to become a better frontend developer, and ultimately to keep learning and pass your knowledge on. In our November edition we’ll learn about understanding novice tech users, hear about how to make educated decisions about which framework to use, and look into how teaching helps us to learn on the fly.

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    Ally Long Designing Apps for Tech Newbies

    Tech newbies? Where does one find them? It’s not easy, even in the developing world, to find people who don’t use a smartphone. But they’re out there, and Ally has been making mobile apps for some of these novice tech users in various West African countries. In this talk she’ll share some of the lessons she’s learnt along the way about how people who’ve been introduced to technology very recently - usually through cheap, second-hand, car-battery-powered devices - respond to new and shiny ways of interacting with machines.

    Ally is a designer and front-end developer at eHealth Africa. She splits her time there between creating mobile app interfaces for novice tech users in West Africa, and designing data visualisations for disease surveillance dashboards.

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    Florian Stolzenhain Getting Over Frameworks Without Making an Ass of Yourself

    Florian knows you can only despise things you actually have some relation to. So instead of going on a rant, he’ll analyze the context of Bootstrap, and will take a critical look at frontend frameworks in general. His talk will feature opinions about: gut feeling, putting yourself in someone else’s position, and negative margins.

    Florian is a graphic designer turned frontend nerd and Drupal sitebuilder. He is a co-founder of FUK and works at Compuccino.

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    Yulia Startsev Learning by Teaching

    How does one go about teaching someone something? In this short talk, Yulia will present her experiences of learning on the fly by helping people teach themselves.

    Yulia is a frontend developer at bitcrowd