Up.front is a monthly meetup
for the web design community in Berlin.
RSVP #68 Tue, Jun 14

Summer is coming! And it will be a long and beautiful one, we hear. So this is the last meetup before our two months summer break starts. And maybe you want to be a part of it? If so, there’s still a chance: We are looking for speakers for June and later 2016! Read about how speaking at up.front works and get in touch!

  • No Picture available

    Frederic Marx Pragmatic Webfont Strategies

    Webfonts, in theory, are great. Using them responsibly though, without negative impact on the user experience, is an engineering nightmare at best, impossible at worst. In this talk Frederic will look at different typographic scenarios on the Web and discuss solutions for selecting and loading webfonts responsibly.

    Frederic is a code-driven designer with a background in media and cultural studies. He gets excited about typography, design systems, tools and the nature of the Web as an interconnected social platform. He also coaches at CSSclasses and loves co-learning and exchanging knowledge with inclusive communities.

  • Picture of Lisa Passing

    Lisa Passing The Story of diversitytickets.org

    This is the story of diversitytickets.org, an app for conferences to promote and organize their diversity tickets, scholarships or opportunity grants. The rails app behind it is open source and developed by a RailsGirls study group in Berlin and supported by Travis Foundation. Lisa is mentoring a sub-group that focuses on the Front-End development of the app. In this talk she will talk about teaching beginners, developing and maintaining open source software and community.

    By day, Lisa is Queen of !important (aka Front-End Developer) at Travis CI and works to promote free and open source software. By night, she coaches at community programming workshops and organises Cryptoparties around Berlin.

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    Michael P. Pfeiffer Traveling The World With CSS - A Talk About Penguins (and Stylesheets)

    In this talk Michael takes you on a journey of how he ended up on a small vessel heading for Antarctica and how, in the process, he discovered that the job market, just like an iceberg, has so much more to offer under the 9-to-5 surface.

    Michael is an avid traveler who sold all his belongings to travel the world with nothing more than fits a carry-on backpack. Together with @kriesse he founded CSSconf EU and has a huge passion for community driven events. He works as Lead Front-End Engineer for Continu, a fully remote company, building learning software for the modern workplace.