Nine days should be sufficient for Kreuzberg to clean itself up after its customary annual First of May riot/festival, so you won’t have to wade through a knee-deep mass of unconscious revelers to reach up.front number 67! And since the holiday is international workers’ day, our two talks so far are, serendipitously, about how we work! If you’ve got a third, get in touch!
Emanuele Libralato Stop looking for designers, become one! On "Why developers need to learn design"
There has been a huge buzz in the last 1-2 years around the topic that "Everyone should learn how to code" and more specifically that "Designers should learn how to code". Why is this not happening the other way around? Can brainstorming, user research, personas and design thinking change the way we write software? Can we adopt the same army-knives used by design agencies and freelancers to speed up the development of Software or to better prioritise some features over others?
Emanuele Libralato is a technologist, currently based in Berlin. His background is in Software Engineering and he’s interested in investigating intersections: between Art, Technology and Design. Between Analog and Digital worlds. He likes to play with technology, he’s in love with natural interfaces and believes in a future without touch-screens. Currently freelancing and co-founder at joinrs.com
Thomas Lobinger Working Backwards
No, NOT walking backwards - this is not a talk about the King of Pop. Working backwards is a process Thomas uses to ensure his team does the right thing. This talk is a reply – or rather an addition – to Matteo Cavucci’s talk about user stories at Up.front #65. His goal is to share one way on how to create not just a conversation starter but a document that helps you to always focus on your customer. This approach allows you to launch and drive many different types of projects. These projects can be as big as founding a movie studio, develop drones to deliver packages, or change how companies think about IT infrastructure.
Currently Thomas works with a small team of developers and designers in Berlin and Seattle. They are working on changing how we all can create and maintain complex web applications better.
Melanie Thewlis and Dr. Agata Lisiak Visualising Immigrant Experience with P5.js
Agata Liask’s ethnographic research in Berlin, Munich, London, and Birmingham centres on everyday mothering performed by Polish immigrant mothers in urban space. Aside from interviews and participant observation, the project also makes use of various creative and visual methods of communicating immigrant experience.
In this talk, the project collaborators discuss the research, creative andtechnical processes used to develop interactive, web based, datavisualisations that explore how child rearing involves purchases, uses, andexchanges of objects.
Dr. Agata Lisiak is a researcher at Humboldt University’s Institute of Social Sciences and a lecturer at Bard College Berlin. She is the author of Urban Cultures in (Post)Colonial Central Europe, and writes on media representations of the city, cultural memory, gender and migration, and everyday life in the city.
Melanie Thewlis is co-founder of Little Web Giants, a digital agency based in Berlin and Melbourne. She is an active member of the Berlin techcommunity, as a speaker, event organiser, teacher and hackathon winner.
Fabian Bauer has qualifications in industrial engineering and is currently completing a degree in business informatics. He joined Little Web Giants as a developer in 2015.