Up.front is a monthly meetup
for the web design community in Berlin.
RSVP #61 Tue, Oct 13

Whoa! Hey there! Yeah, it’s us again, sooner than expected! We took a break from our regular rhythm due to last month’s wwwtfest, and now we’re back in our regular groove: every second Tuesday of the month. We hope you’ve taken the last few weeks to recuperate from said fest and all the conferences and parties implied by it, and are up to join us for our 61st meetup!

  • Picture of Philip Paetz, Kim Müller

    Philip Paetz, Kim Müller Designing for Good: How we Created walkwithme.berlin

    With the pressing refugee situation in Berlin we asked ourselves a simple question: How can we make a difference? The result is – walkwithme.berlin, an ambitious endeavour that connects Berliners with refugees in our city, bringing their individual stories to life.
    From brainstorming through ideation, to validating our idea in the real world, to engaging with volunteer organisations all over the city, interviewing refugees on the ground, UX and visual design, and finally implementation, our talk will take you through our two-week journey.

    Philip and Kim are part of a group of designers, developers and assorted collaborators, part of a creative offshoot of one of the world’s largest consultancy firms.

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    Florian Stolzenhain Scaling Responsive Spritemaps

    Spritemaps are an ancient art of managing frontend performance and design workflow. They hold up pretty well in the light of recent concepts like icon fonts, SVG’s <use> and data64-enconding, considering they are easy to adapt in a fully responsive enviroment and high-def displays. The talk discusses 2 responsive strategies with demos, pros and cons and offers some feedback on questions.

    Florian is graphic designer turned frontend nerd and Drupal sitebuilder. He is a co-founder of FUK.

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    Mims H. Wright The sad, strange tale of the boy with only two fingers OR an introduction to how binary is used to make websites

    Most people know that computers are "just a bunch of ones and zeroes," but few understand what that really means. How do ones and zeros become numbers, words, and pictures? This talk starts at the beginning, explaining binary numbers and shows how they are used to describe basic datatypes. We begin to uncover what the statement "just a bunch of ones and zeroes" really means.

    Mims is a freelance sr. software developer from Los Angeles working with front-end, iOS, and Unity3D. Also an author, international race car driver, beer brewer, and dad. He’s living in Kreuzberg from September to December.

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    Molly Wilson Dude, Not Cool: Gender and Default Iconography

    How come, all over the Internet, the "default" user icon is a man? Compared to many of the gender/tech problems out there, this is an easy (and fun) one to fix! Let’s examine how it came to be, and look into some dos and don’ts about representing gender visually.

    Molly Wilson is a user experience designer from San Francisco, CA currently living in Berlin. She has worked on digital products in finance, health, and education. She seems friendly, but if she hears you say that good UX is “nothing but common sense” she will really lose her cool.