Up.front is a monthly meetup
for the web design community in Berlin.
RSVP #57 Tue, May 12

The month of May usually is all about good news: summer time is perceptibly close, lots of holidays (even for Berliners) and the up.front lineup is no less promising as you can read below. So mark your calendars.

  • No Picture available

    Kevin Lorenz Your Nesting Is Harmful

    It’s not the preprocessor which produces bad code, it’s the developer using it the wrong way. Nesting is one of the features which, when misused, produces hard to read, and even harder to maintain code. Kevin will show you a few pitfalls of selector nesting and how to avoid them.

    Kevin is a passionate frontend developer at @hitfoxgroup, one of the organizers of @cssconfeu and a proud community member of @hoodiehq. He also likes cheese.

  • Picture of Jennifer Geacone-Cruz

    Jennifer Geacone-Cruz Perfectly Portable – Looking at Japanese Mobile Culture in the Front End

    In her last talk, Jennifer presented some basic concepts that affect the current state of Japanese front-end and web concept presentation. This talk will expand on one topic that got a lot of response: keitai, Japanese mobile phone culture and its heavy influence on front-end.

    Jennifer is a freelance consultant specializing in publishing infrastructure design and all things related to fashion and Japan. She creates online media outlets, print publications, content strategy and provides regionalization services with a highly editorial approach.