Up.front is a monthly meetup
for the web design community in Berlin.
RSVP #54 Tue, Feb 10

Rawr! We have awakened from our fluffy hibernation slumber! And we hunger for sweet new web/design knowledge! If you do too, please come by for our first meetup of 2015, on February 10th, for an evening of casual nerdery and general interestingness.

  • Picture of Johan Dettmar

    Johan Dettmar Creativity, How?

    Everyone can be creative, most of us know this by now. Thus it is a skill, that can be improved, rather than a born-with-it talent.
    But how do we get more creative? Are we putting ourselves in the right environment and mindset in order to get the most juice out of our brains? Johan will talk about methods and ideas around the topic of improving your creativity as an individual or group.

    Johan is a freelance web developer based in Berlin, trying to mix client work and self initiated projects. At Hyper Island, where Johan used to study, they work process based, focusing a lot on HOW to be creative. Johan was part of a project called Project of How where he collected and shared methods on how to be more creative.

  • Picture of Stefan Judis

    Stefan Judis Staying In The Fast Lane - Tools to Keep Your Site Speedy & Light

    Developing a fast website is not easy. There are plenty of tools and techniques to serve a good and fast experience to our visitors. But monitoring how a site evolves and evaluating and spotting performance bottlenecks is also something everybody should take care of. This talk will give a brief overview describing which tools are available and why it makes sense to build up a performance culture inside of a company.

    Stefan has been working in e-commerce for 4 years and is just entering the world of single page applications. Mostly doing frontend stuff, he is also really into performance and fancy cutting edge technologies. In his spare time he contributes to various open source projects.

  • Picture of Ferdinand Vogler

    Ferdinand Vogler Getting Web-Typography Just Right With Sass

    “95% of the information on the web is written language” (Oliver Reichenstein). Striving for typographic structure, hierachy and legibility across various devices should be a must in every designer’s skillset. In this talk Ferdinand will explain the basics of well-set type and how Sass can be a powerful ally to achieve that.

    Ferdinand is a communication design student in fifth semester at HTW Berlin and started his work as a design and web-development freelancer just over a year ago.