Up.front is a monthly meetup
for the web design community in Berlin.
RSVP #43 Tue, Jan 14

Did you make the New Year’s resolution to be more active in your local community? Now is the time to get started! We kick off 2014 with a great line-up: Join us on Tuesday and hear talks by Michiel Slot, Gunnar Bittersmann, Victor Mark and Ed Macovaz.

  • Picture of Michiel Slot

    Michiel Slot Product Ownership: Captain Obvious speaks about owning and shipping

    Are you a Product Owner? Maybe not by all definitions, though Michiel believe every developer or designer involved in a project is a Product Owner. Michiel found some obvious stuff about dealing with product ownership he will share with you.

    Michiel has lengthy experience both as project manager and frontend developer on projects large and small. He likes smooth user interfaces and appreciates nerdy tricks. Besides leading a team of interactive heads at Viacom he organises WebVisions Berlin 2014.

  • Picture of Gunnar Bittersmann

    Gunnar Bittersmann Sassematics

    Sass + mathematics. Many web developers nowadays use CSS preprocessors, and do simple calculations like ($a + $b) * $c in them. But we can do more. Much more: sin, cos, tan, … and calculate square roots like the ancient Babylonians. A short trip into geometry. Bring your rulers and compasses!

    As a frontend developer on the whatever-first path, Gunnar aims at a better understanding between humans and machines. He helps organizing the World Usability Day Berlin and struggles not to forget how to play the guitar.

  • Picture of Victor Mark

    Victor Mark Working with human beings

    Victor will share some observations about the nature of creating and working in teams gleaned from his time at Hyper Island, EyeEm, and now How.Do.


  • Picture of Ed Macovaz

    Ed Macovaz Making instruments for musicians

    What do you do when you expect users to invest as much time mastering your product you spent building it? Ed will share some stories of how Ableton’s design process has evolved to deal with making complex products for very talented people.

    Ed is a Product Designer at Ableton where he works with other designers to make hardware and software behave like a musical instrument.