Up.front is a monthly meetup
for the web design community in Berlin.
RSVP #40 Tue, Oct 08

For our October meetup we go beyond product and development techniques and learn about what it takes to manage and communicate in projects and what it takes to make your product stand out.

  • Picture of Rebecca Conrad & Lisa Passing

    Rebecca Conrad & Lisa Passing Rails Girls SoC - All for one and one for all

    Rails Girls Summer of Code is a global event which focuses on bringing more women into the world of open source software and helping participants to further expand their knowledge and skills in programming. 33 students got the chance to work paid and full-time on their projects, attend tech conferences and even speak on them. This all wouldn’t haven been possible without a great team of volunteers, organizers and sponsors. Lisa (implementing the webdesign) and Rebecca (adding illustrations) will talk a little more about the organisation and their involvement.

    Lisa Passing is a frontend-developer, Rebecca Conrad is a graphic designer and illustrator.

  • Picture of Behrad Mirafshar

    Behrad Mirafshar Design Habit

    Our digital life is bombarded by apps. However, we use few of them on a daily basis. This does not mean that the other apps are not well-designed, this is basically because they fail to make a mark in our life and to create a habit for us. This talk endeavors to explore what we deliver behind our apps.

    Behrad is an UX/UI designer. He always likes to partake in interesting projects. He loves cafes. He is a proud Neuköllner.

  • Picture of Lindsay Eyink

    Lindsay Eyink Nothing is Perfect. Eveything is Hacked.

    Surprise lightning talk!

  • Picture of Francesco Kirchhoff

    Francesco Kirchhoff “That’s not what I meant”: On empathy in our work

    Besides the skills specific to our job, a huge part of building digital products is about communicating with other people. The better we understand our clients, bosses and colleagues, and the better we are at helping them understand us and what we do, the better the project will turn out and the less stress we are likely to generate. Some general thoughts on a more empathetic approach to communication and a list of specific ideas to improve understanding and avoid communication breakdowns.

    Rome-born, Berlin-based Francesco is a caffeine addict who toils away day and sometimes night as a freelance UX designer and project manager for various web agencies and startups in Berlin in order to support his tragic habit. He tries his best not to increase the pervasive ugliness and thoughtlessness, for bad design makes him weep.