Just like the first rays of spring sunlight after the long, drab Berlin winter, we too are finally reappearing in full force! Join us on March 12th for up.front 34, with a range of talks that could only be broader if it included something on hydroponics or dinosaurs.
Natalie Hanke Introducing Hexels, a new kind of art tool
Developed by Hex-Ray Studios, Hexels is a new grid-based art program for Mac and PC, which allows you to paint with shapes. Since it launched a few days ago, this short talk will show you Hexels in action, provide some examples of already existing funky artwork and give some information on the two awesome guys behind it.
Natalie is a freelance graphic designer who drinks a lot of coffee.
Alex Feyerke Hoodie - Building complete webapps without a backend
A short presentation of a new app architecture for front-end people, and how you can use it to build web apps without worrying about the backend.
Alex is a freelance web developer and internet generalist, and also one of the organizers of up.front.
Momme Funda Legal issues for web workers
A quick run-through of various relevant aspects of German internet law, covering topics like imprints, coding in order to avoid copyright violations, “Abmahnungen”, contracts with clients and employers and copyright laws.
Momme is a freelance lawyer specializing on media law. He works in a law firm made up of various other freelance lawyers, and he won’t be wearing a suit.