And we’re back, and I’m confused, because I’m tzping this on up.front founder @kriesse’s US keyboard, who has returned from San Francisco for a month! In other news, our central theme this week seems to be “high resolution”, with one talk about publishing a magazine, and a second one about resolution-independent front-end work in the wake of even more pixel-density diversity. On a completely different note, RailsGirls will be stopping by to tell us about their awesome project.
Kai Brach From digital to paper—publishing a print mag about pixel people
At a time when print is declared dead and traditional media outlets struggle to make a buck, Kai decided to move from designing websites to publishing a print magazine. Offscreen is an old-fashioned periodical on high-quality paper, exploring the life and work of people that create websites and apps. It tells the less obvious human stories of creativity, passion and hard work that hide behind every interface. Kai talks about the whys and hows of his new magazine and offers insight into today’s challenges as an indie publisher.
Originally from Germany, Kai now lives in Melbourne, Australia, though, he can be found in various places around the globe when live becomes too repetitive. He’s currently taking a break from his web design career to publish a magazine about digital creators.
Francesco Kirchhoff The death of pixels – Designing for high-density displays
New ultra-high resolution displays (like the Retina displays touted by Apple in their iOS devices and new MacBook Pro) are changing the way our designs get displayed, requiring us to change some of our development approaches. We’ll look back how the use of space and absolute/relative sizes in design have been translated into digital until now and how it will be done in the feature, presenting some viable solutions to make our sites and apps look good across devices.
Rome-born, Berlin-based Francesco is a caffeine addict who toils away day and sometimes night as a freelance UX designer and project manager for various web agencies and startups in Berlin in order to support his tragic habit. He tries his best not to increase the pervasive ugliness and thoughtlessness, for bad design makes him weep.