Up.front is a monthly meetup
for the web design community in Berlin.
RSVP #25 Tue, Apr 10

It’s up.front 25! Spring is here, and so is our first Really Rather Big Number™ meetup. We’ve found some great speakers for our 25th edition, and we’re very much looking forward to both you and them.

  • Picture of Kelly Sutton, LayerVault

    Kelly Sutton, LayerVault From MVP to business in 9 months

    LayerVault started as a Quora thread. "What are the tools or methods to manage design files?" Allan Grinshtein sent Kelly Sutton (me) an IM, "Man it sucks to be a designer. Think you could build something?" Sutton had a prototype ready to show off the next Monday. Nine months later, they are used by the best designers worldwide.

    Kelly Sutton is a software developer from New York City. He’s currently traveling the world. In the past, he’s made HackCollege and the Cult of Less and worked for blip.tv and Gilt Groupe.

  • Picture of Till Wiedeck, HelloMe

    Till Wiedeck, HelloMe Big Pictures, Small Things

    Till will be talking about the development of dynamic visual systems, approaching projects from a cross media perspective, ideas led design, trusting the process and the gain of not fearing failure.

    Till Wiedeck is the founder of Berlin based design studio HelloMe.