Join us at co.up on Valentine’s Day for our first event of 2012. co.up will be freshly equipped with the new crowd-funded megafridge of endless cold drinks, so having our speakers put new stuff in your head will be even more pleasant. Here’s what we’ve got for you:
Georgi Kobilarov and Philipp Steinacher Designing & Developing the Urbany App - What We Have Learned
Urbany is a new iPhone App we launched last week that integrates many of your favorite location apps into one interface. Netzwertig.com called it "the ultimate location mashup". In this talk we will share our experiences designing and developing Urbany. We will walk you through the rationale of some of our design decisions (both the intentional and the incidental ones), we will talk about climbing to top of the travel category in the German App Store in just 48 hours, and we will confuse correlation with causation a lot.
Georgi is the founder of Uberblic and loves building products with data. Philipp is interface engineer at Uberblic and also loves building products with data. Together, they build products with data, and they love it.
Tom O’Doherty You’re doing it wrong!
A little adventure with grids, media queries, and designing for unknown content.
Karl Westin Photoshop blend modes on the web
Giving designers what they want.
Alex Feyerke The dark mysteries of the Chrome DevTools
If you’ve never ventured further than console.log() and your general notion of DevTools and Firebug is “yeah, this is neat, but it could be a lot neater”, then this is for you. Useful functions you’d never stumble across on your own and more keyboard shortcuts than you can shake a stick at.