Up.front is a monthly meetup
for the web design community in Berlin.
RSVP #14 Tue, Apr 12

There will be lightning talks by Tiffany Conroy, Nico Hagenburger and Henrik Berggren.

  • Picture of Nadine Roßa

    Nadine Roßa The letter ß

    For some people it is a trouble-maker in German orthography, for some a shortcoming in typography but to Nadine it is the most beautiful letter – The German Eszett. Throughout history no other character has had to put up with so much and almost no other letter has been the subject of so much discussion. Her surname contains this rare character. That’s the reason why, in her thesis, she decided to put some thought into what could be done to place it in a better light. That was the basis of the project »Eine scharfe Type« – A sharp character.

    Nadine Roßa is a freelance designer and illustrator working in Berlin. She’s one of the publishers of the Design made in Germany Magazine and a co-founder of LAUNCH/CO.

  • Picture of Sven Ellingen

    Sven Ellingen FontFont.com – A more agile design process

    Sven – Designer at Edenspiekermann – will give some insight on the recently relaunched fontfont.com. FontFont is the world’s largest library of original contemporary typefaces. Together with Ivo Gabrowitsch and Jörg Haubrichs, head of marketing and developer at FontFont, the team at Edenspiekermann redesigned the website from scratch in a collaborative and agile way. Almost no Photoshop pixels were harmed in the making of the site. Instead, most of the design took place in the browser using tools such as Haml and Sass.
    Learn about the challenges of an “agile design process”, the latest life-saving tools and greatly underestimated budgets.

    Edenspiekermann is an agency for strategy, design and communication with offices in Amsterdam, Berlin, Stuttgart.