Up.front is a monthly meetup
for the web design community in Berlin.
RSVP #13 Tue, Mar 08

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has a reputation for being shady and complicated. Hessam previously spent 4 years at Google where he worked on fighting black hat SEO techniques and webspam in the European market. He will be sharing his knowledge about how search engines find and evaluate web content, as well as the 3 key elements for optimal performance in search engines. The focus in this session will be on avoiding technical pitfalls and building an accessible website.

  • Picture of Hessam Lavi

    Hessam Lavi SEO 101 - Accessibility

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has a reputation for being shady and complicated. Hessam previously spent 4 years at Google where he worked on fighting black hat SEO techniques and webspam in the European market. He will be sharing his knowledge about how search engines find and evaluate web content, as well as the 3 key elements for optimal performance in search engines. The focus in this session will be on avoiding technical pitfalls and building an accessible website.

    Hessam is an a SEO and Web Analytics consultant and a former member of Google’s search quality/webspam team.

  • Picture of Uli Schöberl

    Uli Schöberl Design Tools

    Whenever Tools of choice are discussed its easy to start off a heated debate. Its 2011 and Websites are still started in Photoshop. We laughed at the print people using InDesign, now it ships with pixel measures and we dream about the automatic recovery when Fireworks beachball crashed again. And of course beyond Adobe, who needs a flat demo of an interactive Design anyways, after all rapid prototyping has been around a while.
    >His talk will showcase different case of Tool combinations, how they fit in a real world workflow and the own choice always seems superior to everyone elses. A heated debate will follow.

    Uli Schöberl is a freelance designer and developer.

  • Picture of Floris Dekker

    Floris Dekker How to start a studio in Berlin

    Floris will talk about setting up shop in Berlin 1,5 years ago and about some of the insights they gained by doing it. He will also show some of their own projects and explain why they did them.

    Floris Dekker is a founder and designer at Your Neighbours.