Up.front is a monthly meetup
for the web design community in Berlin.
RSVP #12 Tue, Feb 08

Lightning talks by Natalie Hanke and Peter Bihr.

  • Picture of Mette Ilene Holmriis

    Mette Ilene Holmriis 9 reasons to love animation

    Mette gives a brief animation run through, covering some of the most popular and interesting ways of working with animation. If nothing else this talk will at least give you an impression of how powerful a communication tool animation is.

    Mette Ilene Holmriis is an animator from Denmark, now based in Berlin.

  • Picture of Torsten Bergler & Thomas Michelbach

    Torsten Bergler & Thomas Michelbach Location Based Services

    The guys around the TBWA\ Digital Arts Team developed a service to make data accessible only in specific areas or locations. They are going to talk about the idea behind it, how they used it for a big coffee house and what they are planning for the future.

    Torsten Bergler and Thomas Michelbach are Creative Developers at TBWA\ Berlin.