Up.front is a monthly meetup
for the web design community in Berlin.
RSVP #11 Tue, Jan 11

It’s the first meetup of 2011, and we’re going to get the year started with an amazing programme. Did you make new year’s resolutions to improve your workflow, or finally learn about that helpful tool you always wanted to use in your projects? We’ve got some talks to help you out.

  • Picture of Tiffany Conroy

    Tiffany Conroy How to Build a Bookmarklet

    Get ideas and learn the tricks to make your own bookmarklets, and learn how some of the popular ones work (e.g. Share on Twitter, Read Later, and Readability.)
    What is a bookmarklet? A bookmarklet is a way to inject a JavaScript into any web page. Don’t be intimidated! This practical talk teaches you step-by-step how to create and distribute tiny (or big!) applications that can be used on any website.

    Tiffany Conroy is a Frontend Web Developer.

  • Picture of Alexander Lang

    Alexander Lang Git(hub) for designers

    Git is many programmer’s favorite tool to manage their files and collaborate with others. Learn how you, too, can vastly improve your file workflow. Once there you don’t want to go back.

    Alexander Lang is a programmer and runs his own company, Upstream. He also runs up.front’s home, the co.up coworking space.