Till Nagel gives a short introduction how interactive maps and geo visualization help to explore and communicate multivariate data, and shows a few examples on tangible and multitouch data vis applications.
Till Nagel Unfolding Data
Till Nagel gives a short introduction how interactive maps and geo visualization help to explore and communicate multivariate data, and shows a few examples on tangible and multitouch data vis applications.
Till is a lecturer and researcher at the Interaction Design Lab, Fachhochschule Potsdam.
Georgi Kobilarov When 1+1=3. On linking open data.
Open data is everywhere. Institutions and companies all around us start to open up their databases, provide APIs and give the Web community the power to build applications on top. But what if we could combine all that open data to build apps no only of one open data silo, but multiple, by cross-linking all that data data? Wouldn’t that be much more powerful?
This talk gives an intro to how this little idea - four years ago - became the Linking Open Data project, with hundreds of connected data sources.Georgi is the founder of Uberblic Labs, a company of data geeks in Berlin. He developed DBpedia, one of the first Linked Data projects, and helped organisations such as the BBC to use the Web as their database.
Edial Dekker The Networked City
Handheld electronics, location devices, telecommunications networks, and a wide assortment of tags and sensors are constantly producing a rich stream of data reflecting various aspects of urban life. Managed well, “big data” can be used to unlock new sources of economic value, provide new insights into scions and give governments to account. Meanwhile, some of the world’s foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers are trying to understand this data to harness it for answers to our biggest problems.
In this talk, Edial Dekker will address the benefits of seeing cities as a platform that is able to reinvent itself. A main theme in this talk will be the role of data visualizations and a project called City Crawlers Berlin.Edial is part of Your Neighbours, a studio that is focussed on visualizing data and story telling.