For once, Apple may have actually gotten it right with their advertising: The iPhone 4 changed everything. At least, if you’re an interface designer. Dealing with different resolutions and screen sizes adds another dimension to both conceptual and technical interface design. My talk provides some basic thoughts and approaches concerning this issue.
Malte Müller More pixels or none at all. Designing interfaces for better screens.
For once, Apple may have actually gotten it right with their advertising: The iPhone 4 changed everything. At least, if you’re an interface designer. Dealing with different resolutions and screen sizes adds another dimension to both conceptual and technical interface design. My talk provides some basic thoughts and approaches concerning this issue.
Malte Müller runs electricgecko.de by night and serves as Digital Director at fischerAppelt, furore by day.
Jan Lehnardt Minimal templating with Mustache.js
Jan will give a designer-friendly introduction to minimal templating with Mustache.js in JavaScript and explain why {{mustaches}} are awesome.
Jan Lehnardt is Cofounder and Vice President of CouchOne. He’s also a drummer, cyclist and likes living in Berlin.