This is We are a meetup for the web design and front end community in Berlin. Every second Tuesday of the month at co.up Coworking Space in Kreuzberg. Talk to us at @upfront_ug. icbm: 52.500188,13.41936 /* TEAM */ up.front is run by - Kristina Schneider, @kriesse - Max Fellmuth, @maxfell - Alex Feyerke, @espylaub - Katharina Jockenhöfer, @qate_oh Contributors to this website: - Kristina Schneider, @kriesse - Max Fellmuth, @maxfell - Robin Mehner, @rmehner - Jens Nikolaus, @jensnikolaus - Max Fellmuth, @maxfell - Alex Feyerke, @espylaub - Katharina Jockenhöfer, @qate_oh Thanks to everyone who has supported us over the years, especially: Thilo, Alex, Aleks and Claire from co.up Coworking, Robin, Jan, Hannes, Christoph, Karl, Jens.